The print job was canceled due to a problem with the file system. Some text was replaced. You can use the Undo command to undo these changes. There are too many objects on the current slide. Some will be lost. No misspelled words were found. Sorry, you cannot ignore any more words. Text not found. Sorry, you cannot open a dictionary from the Finder. Your Added Words dictionary appears to be damaged or to actually be an MS Dictionary. The MS Dictionary appears to be damaged. The slide picture is always at the front of the Notes Master. The title object is always at the front of the master slide. The title object is always at the back of a slide. PowerPoint is unable to recolor this picture. Reached the end of the presentation. Continue searching from beginning? If you continue this operation, PowerPoint must discard the contents of the clipboard owing to insufficient memory. You must Save as another file because the original is locked. You must Save as another file because the original is locked, or someone else is using it, or you do not have Make Changes privilege. The slide picture is always at the back of a notes page. Set the default text ruler and line spacing to be those of the selection? Sorry, you cannot add or delete words. Either the Added Words dictionary is locked, someone else opened it first, or you do not have Make Changes privilege. File “PowerPoint Help” is not in the System folder or the folder with PowerPoint. Sorry, the connection to the printer was lost. Check your pages carefully. Printing was restarted due to lost contact with the printer, and some pages may be duplicated or missing. You didn’t check anything to print. There are no slides in the range of slide numbers you requested. Sorry, there’s not enough room on the disk to create a required print file. Sorry, the chosen printer cannot be found. Use Chooser to select a printer, or check the network. Sorry, the disk is locked so a required print file cannot be created. Sorry, the chosen printer’s driver file cannot be found. Use Chooser to select a new printer. Sorry, memory was too full to preserve the clipboard. Sorry, memory was too full to draw everything—some parts are not shown. Sorry, memory is too full to perform the operation. Try again after closing a window. Memory is very full. PowerPoint will close the active window, allowing you to save if you’ve made any changes. Memory is nearly full. You should close one of your windows now. Sorry, this presentation cannot use any more colors. Sorry, this presentation cannot hold any more pictures. Sorry, this presentation cannot hold any more different text rulers. Sorry, the file from which you pasted has problems in its format. Sorry, the file cannot be opened because part of it is missing. Danger! The file system is not consistent! You should save all your documents with “Save as” — not “Save” — then Quit PowerPoint and Shut Down from the Finder. The disk volume containing that file is no longer available. Sorry, there are already too many files in that directory or volume. Sorry, you cannot open the file because someone else already has it open for making changes. Sorry, you already have too many files open. Sorry, you cannot replace that file because it isn’t a scrapbook. Sorry, this presentation has grown too big to save in one file. Sorry, the file cannot be opened by this version of PowerPoint. Sorry, the file cannot be opened. Either it has been damaged or it was not created by PowerPoint. Sorry, the disk volume is full. Sorry, the disk is write-protected. Sorry, the disk volume is locked. Sorry, the file is locked. Sorry, there was an error accessing the disk. Sorry, the file is in use. Sorry, the clipboard contains too many paragraphs to paste them all. Sorry, the slide picture cannot be cut or cleared. Sorry, a picture cannot be the title. Sorry, that would create too many paragraphs in this object. Sorry, the title cannot be cut or cleared.